唐君毅《生命存在與心靈境界》讀書組第六講內容: 1.簡介這次聚會的讀書方法 2.本體論證 3.目的論證 4.耶儒對話 <唐君毅《生命存在與心靈境界》讀書組參考書目> 李天綱 (2002)。〈關於儒家的宗教性:從「中國禮儀之爭」兩個文本看儒耶對 話的可能性〉,香港中文大學崇基學院宗教與中國社會研究中心,中文大學出版 社。 唐君毅 (1977) 。《生命存在與心靈境界》,學生書局。 陳成斌 (2001) 。〈自然選擇不是隨機選擇〉《人文月刊》第八十五期,二零零 一年一月號,香港人文哲學會,頁廿六。 陳成斌 (2000) 。〈休謨、設計論證與似真度 〉,《人文月刊》第八十三期, 二零零零年十一月號,香港人文哲學會,頁八至十。 鄭順佳 (2002) 。《唐君毅與巴特:一個倫理學的比較》,郭偉聯譯,三聯,香 港。 賴品超、李景雄編 (2001) 。《儒耶對話新里程》,香港中文大學崇基學院宗教 與中國社會研究中心,文星圖書有限公司。 Leiter, B. (ed., 2002). ""Analytic" and "Continental" Philosophy" In the website The Gourmet Report. Available at: http://www.philosophicalgourmet.com/analytic.htm Plantinga, A. (1974) The Nature of Necessity. Oxford University Press. Plantinga, A. (1998) "God, Arguments for the Existence of". In Craig, E. (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge. London. pp. 85-93. Sober, E. (Forthcoming) "The Design Argument". In Mann, W. (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Religion. Also available at http://philosophy.wisc.edu/sober/DAF.PDF Sober, E. (No Date) "An Introduction to Bayesian Epistemology". Available at http://philosophy.wisc.edu/sober/bayes.pdf Yandell K. (1999). Philosophy of Religion. Routledge. <Ontological Argument (From Yandell, 1999, pp. 174-177)> Definition 1: X is a logically necessary being = X exists is necessarily true (X does not exist is self-contradictory) Definition 2: X is a causally necessary being = X exists is true and logically contingent, and X is caused to exist is self-contradictory. Definition 3: Proposition P entails proposition Q if and only if P, but not Q is a contradiction. Definition 4: Proposition P is a maximal proposition if and only if, for any proposition Q, either P entails Q or P entails not-Q. Definition 5: Each maximal proposition defines an entire possible world. Definition 6: A being has maximal excellence if and only if it is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent in some possible world. Definition 7: A being has maximal greatness if and only if it has maximal excellence in every possible world. Definition 8: A proposition is true in all possible worlds if and only if it is necessary true. Argument: 1.God has maximal greatness (has maximal excellence in every possible world) is true unless it is self-contradictory. 2.God has maximal greatness is not self-contradictory. So: 3.God has maximal greatness is true. 4.If God has maximal greatness is true then God exits. So: 5.God exists. The argument form is: 1.P unless necessarily not-P 2.Not necessarily not-P. So: 3.P 4.If P then G. So: 5.G. <Teleological Argument> 似真度的原理(Principle of Likelihood): O 傾向於H1 這解 釋﹐當且僅當(if and only if) 在 H1 這條件下的O 的概率 (probability) 比起 在H2這條件下 的O 的概率為高。 i.e. Pr(O/H1) > Pr(O/H2) (O= Observation, 觀察;H =hypothesis, 假設。Pr(X) 表示X 的概率) Pr(A/W1) > Pr(A/W2) (A 是指鐘錶的存在﹐W1是指「鐘錶是設計者的產物」這假設﹐而W2則是 「鐘 錶是隨機程序( randomly process) 的產物」) Pr(B/L1) > Pr(B/L2) (B 是指生物(以至世界)的存在﹐L1是指「生物是設計者的產物」這假設﹐ 而 L2則是「生物是隨機程序的產物」 )